.week four.

January 20th, 2019
Spokane, WA
Rimrock Trail - Palisades Park

It’s was a short walk on the ridge surrounded by pine trees and lava rocks with a distant view of downtown Spokane. I listened to an interview with Mary Oliver today and one of the lines that stood out was “attention without emotions is just reporting” it felt so relivant as I entered in the fourth week of this project. I haven’t really known what to share outside of a short weekly meditation but her words reminded me to go deeper with this journey. 

So this week I as walked in the heavy overcast sky with the threat of snow coming, captivated by the story of the ancient lava rocks and the lichen covered rocks boarded by the soft native grasses and the contrast of the city in the distance I saw how it mirrored my experience as I’m shifting into something new. This opportunity to be in an experience and as I’m observing it. This week I visited a place I havent been to in 6 years and it was as familiar as it was brand new. 

Meditation: I’m grateful for known spaces and the questions that ask me. Who am I now? In this moment? In this reflection?
