.week eight.
February 17, 2019
Walla Walla Point Park
Wenatchee, WA
Because of the season and the heavy snow fall this year I’ve kept close to home for most of my Sunday walks - Walla Walla Point Park has been a frequent place. The beautiful opportunity in returning to a place is the necessity to look at with different eyes. To ask yourself "what’s a new perspective of this place?" This week as I began walking on the trail I noticed the swimming area, a small protected inlet had a thick layer of ice. Growing up in Central Washington I don’t remember it getting cold enough for the river to freeze so I was surprised and curious. I walked down the icy/snowy slope to see the cracks, textures and layers of the snow ice. As I walked I thought - I’m so grateful for these moments to remember how beautiful home is - it was silent out at the end of the sliver of land where the Columbia river flows into the swimming area all except for 3 geese whom seemed to be flight right towards me, grazing over head I could hear the silent intimate sounds of them exerting their bodies. I looked out on the river with the slightest ripple making it’s way from shore from ducks swimming by and felt at home. There are so many ways that returning has made me see my growth and feel my disconnect from this place in the same moment. To feel the vibrancy in my curious life path and the stagnancy of this place. This place and my concept of home are complex and loaded with expectations when I get lost in my head and then there are moments like this where you don’t have to think or explain - you just feel this place - you fit in the tiny intimate grooves of this place.
meditation: I’m so grateful for these moments to remember how beautiful home is
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