.week nine.

February 24, 2019
Nature Trail
Wenatchee, WA

It was a dark snowy morning. Winter seems late and long this year, like it’s staying forever and I’m not waiting for it to leave. It feels like so many things are slow and heavy this year. But then the sun breaks through the thick clouds and what feels like never-ending snow melts so quickly. I went for a walk at my favorite place, the nature trail. I’ve been thinking a lot about this landscape and the plants its contains. The plants that somehow just feel like home without even knowing them. The grasses, the incredible winter grasses that bleach out to the most beautiful sand/cream hues in the hot late summer/fall sunlight and hold strong until spring. I trying to be present in the space today. Trying to feel what the trail was saying to me. I started taking pictures and hoping that by the end of the trail I’d know what I should focus on this week and then I started looking at the beautiful grasses and I thought of the word - emerging. I was captivated by their resilience, that despite this crazy winter and the new heavy wet snow here they were rising again, emerging. Impermanence is the only constant we have in this life. This endless overwhelming snow is temporary. The sun always comes. The snow never holds us down for too long because here is the beautiful grass rising, again. Believing, trusting that spring is coming and the sun will break through the clouds. This unknown time is really just an opportunity for growth. 

The beautiful rhythm of winter/spring, darkness/sunshine, unknown/known, anxiety/peace. It's all there - complete and perfect if we just let go of the resistance.

meditation: I am emerging. I am grateful for this season of growth. It’s all here - complete and perfect.  


  1. oh how i LOVE this blog of yours A! food for both the eye and soul.
    maybe we can do a conversation about this together on my blog?

    1. what a treat to see a comment from you, dear V! i would love to have a conversation with you about it! these weekly walks have become such a nourishing practice for me.


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